Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I am ready to give you all happiness. Are you prepared to receive what I have to offer? Banish all worries; they are temporary, like passing clouds. Do not allow anyone to come between you and your duty to God. The allegiance to God transcends all other obligations. God takes care of such devotees. Surrender yourselves to God and dedicate yourselves to the service of mankind.

- Divine Discourse, 29th March 1998

If you have the love of God, you can accomplish anything.
However great a scholar one may be, whatever riches and comforts one may command, if one has no faith in the Self one will be haunted by fear. Self-confidence is a prime requisite. Without it, you cannot succeed in any enterprise, or enjoy anything. Love of the Divine is the first requirement in the march towards the realization of humanness. You must have one-pointedness and strength of mind. The mind must be unwavering and the heart must be pure and unpolluted.

- Divine Discourse, 24-8-1989

The greatest of the virtues is Love. Love is the basis of character. You may have all other desirable things in plenty, but if you have no character – that is to say virtue, which is all strung on love – you can have no genuine peace. Money comes and … goes! But morality? It comes … and grows! Morality has to be grown in the heart by feeding it with love, then only can we have justice, security, law and order.
If love declines among the people, nations will weaken and mankind will perish.
- Divine Discourse of 2nd January 1972

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